Monday, February 23, 2009

81st Academy Awards for me

आज बहुत मुश्किल हो रहा था ये निश्चित करना की मैं हिन्दी में लिखु या इंग्लिश में...अन्तःता जब चुनाव करना मुश्किल हुआ तो मैंने हिन्दी को ही चुना..सिर्फ़ इसलिए नही कि हिन्दी में मेरी अभिव्यक्ति निखर कर आती है ..पर शायद इसलिए भी क्योंकि कही न कही आज 81st ऑस्कर समारोह में अल्ला रख्खा (ऐ र) रहमान को "जय हो" गाते देख अपने हिंदुस्तान के लिए १ अद्भुत गौरव की अनिभूति हो रही थी, और हिन्दी उस गौरवशाली पल की अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम थी...प्रतीक थी. ये पहली बार था की जब कोडेक थियेटर के इतिहास ने अपने सभाग्रह में हिन्दी को जगह दी .. "जय हो" हिन्दी और हिंदुस्तान दोनों की जयकार था. इस गौरव की सीमा को हर वो इन्सान महसूस कर पायेगा जिसे Seattle Airport (या कही और भी) पर "स्वागतम" लिखा देख कौतुहल होता है, जिसे इंग्लिश मानस "नमस्ते" कहते हुए भाता है, जिसके अन्दर अटल बिहारी बाजपेयी द्वारा UN में दिए हिन्दी भाषण के लिए आदर भावः आता है..आज slum dog millionaire और smiling pinki नए प्रतीक है भारत को मिल रही मान्यता के. हलाकि ये सच है की कही न कही इस पल तक पहुचने का माध्यम इंग्लिश ही थी. पर ये विशुद्ध व्यावहारिकता है उदारीकरण और Global Village के दौर में. हमारा लक्ष्य भारत को विश्व समुदाय के आगे स्वीकार्यता दिलाना है ...और निछ्चय ही हिन्दी का "जय हो" वो प्रतीक बन कर उभरा है. अगली बार जब भी मै los angeles के कोडेक थियेटर जाऊंगा तो वहां की दीवार पर नये नाम slum dog millionaire को देख १ सुखद अनभूति होगी..जो मेरे पिछली बार के कोडेक थियेटर के अनुभव से निश्चय ही अलग होगा... और चेहरे पर १ मुस्कान होगी "जय हो हिंदुस्तान" के लिए.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

An Acrticle..I wrote in Jan 2006, published on Tataworldwebsite.
Running with Mumbai, Running with Titans
It was a great experience and matter of pride to run in MumbaiMarathon for a great cause. I participated in Mumbai marathon (7 KMDream Run) for the first time, and believe me I haven't gone throughany practice or training session. But as I already said, it was agreat experience to be a part of such a marvelous event. It was thisMumbai Marathon that made me realize that with enthusiasm you candefinitely achieve any targets, perhaps if you are on right track.Before the run I was thinking about whether I will be able to completethe whole run. But during the run I was amazed to see the spirit ofthe people, the cheer of the viewers, the tunes of band, theencouraging songs from the loud speakers, and the eagerness of mediato capture the whole scenario. I saw children, old people and evendisabled running with me, all those things energized me to a greatextent and drove me towards the finishing point. But at the finishpoint I was in a different state of mind, because I had started likingthe feeling with which I have been running, I wanted to run more andmore, I was wishing "can this finish point go ahead every time when Iam about to reach it". Actually it was not a marathon race, I waslearning a lesson for my life. I understood for the first time whatexactly is required to drive you to reach your targets.
The other part that made this event more memorable was seeing Mr.Ramadurai, Mrs. Ramadurai, and Mr. Chandra with Team TCS. It wassurprising for me to see Mr. Ramadurai entering the Azad Maidan (theplace from where marathon was started). I was not at all aware that heis going to lead the Team TCS from front in marathon too. Mr. Chandraand Mr. Ramadurai both interacted with all the TCSers who were presentthere. I cannot stop myself without appreciating their energy level.They both have finished the Dream Run with all of us. They evenshouted three cheers for TCS with all of us.
The one thing which Mr. Ramadurai definitely looking for, but didn'tappeal in public was good number of participant from TCS in marathon.He asked me, "how many people you are expecting from TCS". I said,"Around 70 to 100 people", he replied "it's quite a less amount". Andthe worse part was, there were around 50 participants. That's the mainreason I am sharing my experience with all of you. Please turn up inmore and more numbers. I can bet if next time you will come andparticipate in such type of events you will really enjoy and the daywill be memorable for whole life. I will never forget the MumbaiMarathon spirit, the enthusiasm and off course the time I have spentwith the above par life icons, Mr. Ramadurai the leader of all TCSers,and Mr. Chandra the person behind all the Quality initiatives in TCS,iQMS in TCS is his brain child. This was all about the Mumbai marathonwhich created an everlasting impression on my mind and once again mademe proud of being a part of the TCS family.